Dr. Keila Nichols graduated with her Doctorate in Chiropractic Sciences in 1988 and has been busy changing lives ever since.
She absolutely loves what she does.
Her passion to understand why the body does what it does + her persistent commitment to get it back to its normal function + the body’s natural desire to be whole and complete are the trifecta of her success.
She uses a variety of techniques, but her favorite is Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT). In addition to traditional chiropractic, this technique offers gentle alternatives to bodyworking that can include Visceral Manipulation (manually opening a Ileocecal valve, pulling down a hiatal hernia, etc.), Pelvic Blocking, Disc Reduction, Temporomandibular Dysfunction, Extremity Adjusting (arms, legs, hands, feet, elbow, knees), Dural Torsion, and Cranial Manipulation. Of special interest is Cranial Manipulation. This is different from CranioSacral Technique - the training is much more extensive (taught only to Doctors) and the application is much more specific. This technique has proven to be especially rewarding in infants as an alternative to the cranial bands (helmets).
“I have been blessed with the most amazing and lovable patients throughout my career. how could I not do everything in my power to find a way to relieve their suffering?
They have brought me the most interesting and unexpected challenges - I won’t say I love a challenge, but I will say I am challenged by a challenge, and they are the reason I have become the doctor that I am today.”
- Dr. Keila Nichols
**Dr. Keila specializes in infant, children, and family care in our clinic